Two friends, from Hyderabad with a vision towards sustainable development and providing job opportunities to the youth of India, started PTPL.

Our first break was joining T-hub Hyderabad.

In 2018, itself we have joined T-hub Hyderabad, for incubation. We have learned a lot. But there was lack of knowledge and covid-19 have hit us hard and made us to paused our work.

Meet our team

We are in the process of rebuilding ourselves which shall help us to restart our work from basics.


Founder, CEO & MD


Co-Founder,CFO & MD





Our Journey Restarts.

  • We have joined hands with JTBI, JNTUH, Kukatpally Hyderabad- 500085 India. At JTBI, we are aiming for mentorship, guidance and funding.
  • JTBI is a Central Government of India’s funded startup incubator and Helped by Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • Our goal is to launch our applications and hardware projects soon.